Reverse CAGR Calculator
What is Reverse CAGR?
Reverse CAGR calculation allows you to determine the final value of an investment given the initial value, CAGR, and time period. It's useful for financial planning and projecting future investment values.
How is Reverse CAGR calculated?
The formula for Reverse CAGR is:
Final Value = Initial Value * (1 + CAGR)^n
Where 'n' is the number of years and CAGR is expressed as a decimal.
Applications of Reverse CAGR
- Projecting future investment values
- Financial planning and goal setting
- Estimating returns on investments
- Comparing different investment scenarios
Limitations of Reverse CAGR
- Assumes constant growth rate, which may not reflect real-world volatility
- Does not account for interim cash flows or reinvestments
- May oversimplify complex investment scenarios
- Projections are based on historical performance and may not predict future results
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